Called to ministry in our youth, Elissa and I met at North Central University in Minneapolis, MN where we studied ministry and leadership while obtaining our credentials through the Assemblies of God movement. Newly married and ready to follow anywhere the Lord may lead, we ministered in both Minnesota and Massachusetts, growing our family and ministering for several years as associate pastors before returning to our home state of Michigan. We waited and prayed for God to provide the right opportunity for our next assignment and call. This landed us in none other than the city of Albion and a beautiful church right off of I-94.
It’s amazing how God paired us so well to lead this body of believers. Freeway Church is the warmest community you’ll ever meet. We are full of life and love for each other. It’s an honor to lead this congregation and serve.
Elissa and I have a heart for this region and a passion to walk others through what it means to have a real relationship with Jesus. Jesus, a real person, who died for you and loves you more than anyone else ever could. We believe Jesus died for all - yes, even you! You are welcome at Freeway Church. Come join the family of God and experience all that a life following Jesus has to offer.
-Pastor Roy Lucier
Our church partners with the Assemblies of God. Though we are an independent church, the Assemblies of God helps us with accountability and support. Our church aligns with the A/G's theological statements (you can read them here)